Our Journey from VIV Thailand March, 2023

Our Journey from VIV Thailand, March 2023

In March, Mega had the distinct honor of participating in the VIV exhibition held in Thailand. As a company committed to revolutionizing animal nutrition and well-being, our presence at this prestigious event marked another significant stride toward our goal.
At Mega, we’re not just a company; we’re a team of dedicated professionals driven by a shared passion for innovation. Our expertise lies in developing cutting-edge solutions that enhance the health and productivity of livestock while prioritizing sustainability.
The VIV exhibition served as a platform for us to showcase our breakthrough products, including our advanced range of enzymes, probiotics, and unique formulations like humate and zinc oxide (co-crystal) infused with API technology. Our offerings are designed to address the evolving needs of the industry and contribute to the overall well-being of animals.
With a commitment to excellence and a vision to reshape the future of animal nutrition, Mega continues to explore new horizons, collaborate with industry peers, and lead the way in driving positive change. We’re excited to continue our journey of innovation, and we invite you to be a part of it.
Stay connected with Mega to witness the evolution of animal nutrition, where science meets sustainability and excellence knows no bounds.